Public Headrests

Headrest , is a safety device created to support your head in vehicles and make you more comfortable on chairs .

Headrest are found in buses, trains,airplane, park seats , library chairs ,amongst other places .

So let’s create a scenario-

You in a pubic bus, taxi or airplane and you just want to relax . Rest a bit before you get to your destination.

You at a park or restaurant and your neck feels stiff so you rest it .

The act of resting your head on public headrests might be one that looks harmless.

But, what if I told you that it can a/the source of certain hair conditions.

Parasite such as Head lice and Scalp ringworm can be easily transmitted from one person to another by the means of using public headrests.

Dandruff is not contagious.

Does this mean you shouldn’t rest your head?

Answer: Yes and No


If you can sit without resting your head on a headrest this is advisable especially in public buses and taxis.


If you must rest your head (I.e) you are traveling a long distance

For safety purposes.

If you need to rest your head I advice a bus scarf or cap (specifically for this purpose ). This you put on before resting your head and should always be clean. Remember not to mix it up with other clothings.

Sterilize or clean these headrest before resting your head if possible. This can be done with a sanitizer or perfume with high alcohol concentration.

I do not advise spraying perfume in a public bus as a fellow passenger might be asthmatic.

If you have a condition that is contagious, treat it and do not rest your head on public headrests as it would spread to others .

Remember: Prevention is better than cure .